Run and Swim
A quick run between pool execises helps you loosen up. Your wet clothes add a bit of weight to make your run more intense and challenging.
This training programme we recommend to our outdoor lifeguards as a powerful cross training exercise. You alternate between swimming and running to get a varied workout. The idea is to have an equal balance between pool training and running. Swap every 10 to 20 minutes. Keep your clothes on so you don't lose time between transistions. You can also do this run and swim training on a beach and in open water.
Start with brisk walking or slow jogging for about five minutes, rather than stretching before exercise. Try these all-purpose dynamic stretches for your lower body:
Goose-step March
Slowly lift your leg straight out in front of you, alternating as you walk with your normal stride length. You may want to combine this with lunges. The lunge is a powerful leg strengthening exercise with a multitude of variations to add variety to your workout. In addition, varying your technique allows you to emphasize different muscles or parts of those muscles. While others may think you're doing a Monty Python skit, it is an effective hamstring stretch.
Butt Kick
As you jog or walk, bend one knee and lift it behind you as if you were trying to kick yourself in the butt. It's not a punishment, it stretches the quadriceps.
Knee Lifts
As you're jogging or walking, bring knees up toward your chest. For a variation, as your right knee comes up, twist the lifted leg gently to the left and your upper body gently to the right for a spinal twist. Repeat on each side as you jog or walk.
Back into the Pool
After the land based exercises it is time to hop into the pool to compliment the running with water exercises. This will give your joints a rest, but keeps pushing you onwards.
You have the choice between lap swimming
or some wading exercise to push your legs even harder.
Then there are special water exercises
like jumping into the water and climbing out in quick succession until you're exhausted.
Then it's time for more land based running.
Cool Down
Light movements for a while help lower your heart rate and bring you back to normal. Don't stop suddenly. The shallow pool is a good place to relax after this intensive training.

Keep your clothes on to stay warm while you relax.

Raising your arms drains the water out of your clothes.

"I do all this three times a week. It is tough but good fun." ~ Adrian